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Search results

  1. Agent P

    Underwear Photoshoot

    Sadly I’m in South Texas
  2. Agent P

    Underwear Photoshoot

    I’d love to do another shoot.
  3. Agent P

    Underwear Photoshoot

    Anyone ever done an underwear photoshoot before? I had one a couple years ago (pre-COVID) and it was AWESOME!!
  4. Agent P

    Kiss my cock

    Kiss my cock
  5. Agent P

    Agent P Briefs

    I’m currently on the hunt for a pair of Agent P briefs. I had a pair before but they’ve started to wear out. Since they were a favorite of mine, I wanted to buy a replacement but it looks like they’re out of stock now. If anyone manages to find a place I can buy them, please let me know.
  6. Agent P

    Underwear Zoom Meeting

    It had ended. Looks like a lot of people got the time zone wrong though because I saw everyone tried to join an hour after the actual meeting.
  7. Agent P

    Underwear Zoom Meeting

    It’s happening now!
  8. Agent P

    Underwear Zoom Meeting

    Your wish is my command. Topic: Underwear Fun Time: Aug 14, 2021 08:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada) Join Zoom Meeting https://us05web.zoom.us/j/83788967761?pwd=RlNFeHFubXk4WGo0cm1zQnIzSGpUQT09 Meeting ID: 837 8896 7761 Passcode: bulge
  9. Agent P

    Slept In My Briefs Last Night

    I pretty much sleep and Jack off exclusively in my briefs. Doing it naked just doesn’t compare to the feeling of the cotton on my cock.
  10. Agent P

    Underwear Zoom Meeting

  11. Agent P

    Underwear Zoom Meeting

    Agent P is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. Topic: Sexy Underwear Show Time: Jul 9, 2021 06:45 AM Central Time (US and Canada) Join Zoom Meeting https://us05web.zoom.us/j/81482677656?pwd=QWo5QnhXWmpHdlBNQTJVN1ZvVXROdz09 Meeting ID: 814 8267 7656 Passcode: 1111
  12. Agent P

    Underwear Zoom Meeting

    It got quite hot.
  13. Agent P

    Underwear Zoom Meeting

    It happened. Only one person showed up which was a shame.
  14. Agent P

    Underwear Zoom Meeting

    Agent P is inviting you to a sexy night of underwear. Topic: Sexy Underwear Show Time: Jun 19, 2021 07:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada) Join Zoom Meeting https://us05web.zoom.us/j/88138637132?pwd=NVQ1SUx1cmphYzNMSjF4V21ZM212Zz09 Meeting ID: 881 3863 7132 Passcode: 1111
  15. Agent P

    Underwear Zoom Meeting

    I have other colored briefs.
  16. Agent P

    Underwear Zoom Meeting

    I’ll need to set something up
  17. Agent P

    Underwear Zoom Meeting

    If I did a Zoom call of just me posing in tighty whities, would anyone come?
  18. Agent P


  19. Agent P

    Tighty Whities
