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Did Christopher Atkins in a loincloth make you gay?


Lansing, MI, USA
Hopefully it’s obvious that the OP was tongue in cheek, there’s no denying that The Blue Lagoon is not a great movie! It has numerous problems. I almost always view it with sound off.

The point of TBL for me is that Chris is at the pinnacle of his physical attractiveness in this movie and the homespun look of his skimpy attire is boner fuel.

There used to be pin-up style posters of him in teen magazines that by 1980s standards were scandalous. Not sure how they got away with it! But glad they did. Just one factor in my slow-burn sexual awakening. I also remember getting turned on by the live-action Incredible Hulk TV show though 😂

Actually that’s the first erection I remember


USG Member
No, but I think I had definite inclination by then. I do remember the pictures and thought they were great. I remember thinking I would like one of those loincloths, I would have nowhere to wear them had I been so lucky other than my bedroom!


USG Member
It was too late for me by the time that movie came out and they had him stripped to a loincloth in a scene in The Pirate Movie as well. I definitely loved looking at him, along with Jan Michael Vincent in The World's Greatest Athlete


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USG Member
Traditionally it’s fully utilitarian, but in modern times it can be used as a masculine symbol kind of like a jockstrap. Thighs and buttocks are not as sexualized in Japan.
Fundoshi are awesome. Inexpensive, always fits perfectly, look and feel terrific. And the cheapest fabric makes the best fundoshi. Thin, unbleached cotton muslin is my favorite. After a lot of use, they get super soft and look better and better.


USG Member
I was already out by then, but what really locked in my like of loincloths was Miles O'Keefe in Tarzan. After that movie was released, I really wanted a loincloth like that. A leather shop about an hour from where I lived made me one out of chamois leather. I wore that camping and hiking until it fell apart.


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